João Cabral

Role: P&G/RAEng Research Chair in Microflow Engineering
Partner: Imperial College London

João’s research interests are in soft condensed matter, in particular complex polymer mixtures, multicomponent systems, often containing particles and copolymers. His group studies the thermodynamics and dynamics or polymer blends with a combination of real- and reciprocal-space techniques, including microscopy and AFM, and light, X-ray and neutron scattering.

They are interested in exploring microfluidics for soft matter processing, seizing their commensurate length and timescales. They are also interested in the patterning and device fabrication and explore ‘Frontal photopolymerisation’ (FPP) to rapidly create 3D structures that, moreover, are compatible with an array of organic solvents. His group also developed a sound theoretical understanding of the nature of front propagation, which exhibits intriguing kinetics. In terms of applications, they work on microprocessing as a means to tune structure and performance of complex fluids, as well as interfacial tensiometry, and coupling of charcterisation approaches such as scattering.

Finally, they develop high-throughput and combinatorial approaches for polymer mixtures and network formation. They are now elaborating on scattering and spectroscopic tools to elucidate aspects of morphology and stability of elusive soft matter systems.